The Smith's Journey

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Catch up

Well it's Emily's birthday on Monday. We're having her celebration on Saturday with five of her friends and we're going to Science Alive. We haven't been there so we're all looking forward to it. A friend who works there has been marvellous and is providing the food and cake. Em said she wants to try the big slide they have and do the wall climbing thing. I'll let you know how it goes, and upload photo's (if I remember my camera).

Our fridge has been repaired today, Yay! It's really good not to have to walk out to the garage to get the milk or cheese etc. For the first few days that it was broken we all forgot and opened the fridge to find it empty! As Terry would say--Smarten up!!

The other good news is I have sold a couple of things on TradeMe which has been a huge blessing. I think we're coming out the other side of the latest (probably not the last) financial struggle.

Tank has had his operation. His eye is looking great. For those that didn't know, our golden retriever puppy had what is called 'Scrolled Cartilage'. It's extremely rare in retrievers but unfortunately Tanks litter has had it. I can't remember if it's one or two of his siblings that has had the same problem. The breeder that we got him from has been such a blessing with sharing the cost. They didn't have to do that but did. So we owe them huge thanks. I forgot to take photo's of Tank wearing his plastic 'cone' to stop him scratching at his eye. He looked so riduculous! And being clumsy normally was extra clumsy with the cone. He even banged into the doors because he misjudged the gap and didn't allow for the cone! With how tall he is now he is constantly sweeping things off shelves etc with his tail! Imagine what he's going to be like when he is fully grown! He's so beautiful when he runs. They're such a handsome breed.

For Emily's birthday present we bought two tickets to the High School Musical Ice Tour. It comes to Christchurch in the beginning of June. She keeps talking about it and has told me which friends of hers are going. In fact she has just finished telling me that our neighbor is taking her daughter to it. We've told her it's too much money. Which it is so that is the only gift she's getting from Terry and I. I so cannot wait to give it to her. We will wait till Monday which is her actual birthday. She gets her friends gifts on Saturday. I will be going to the musical with her. Which I am really excited about! I did say to Terry that he could take her, but for some reason he didn't want too! :-))

I've had a mucky sort of day and have really only achieved cleaning the freezer ready for the guy to fix it. Mum Smith came over for lunch which was nice, other than that I've done nothing except to nearly fall asleep on my bed while doing a crossword and Aimee sitting on my back. She stayed home from school today due to having a cold and being very tired. She had gone to a wee friends house (also called Amy) to play, when she was dropped off she proceeded to cry and shout and scream at me for the next hour and a half. And it was all over her being hungry but not wanting what I said she could have! Much to say she was in bed early and asleep 10 minutes later! So I kept her at home to have a quiet day. She is most definately going to school tomorrow!

I have a lady from church coming tomorrow for morning tea. There is an extremely funny story about how she was invited. It started last Sunday, we have been slowly getting to know a young couple in church with a wee baby. So when I got home we decided to phone them and invite them for lunch the next Sunday. I found their phone number in our church phone directory, I ended up leaving a message on the answer phone. Then we waited for them to return our call, we waited and waited. Then I happen to see Gill (the young woman) at church yesterday (Wednesday), I asked her if she had received our invite, to which she replied "No", to which I said "Do you have an answer phone?", "no" she said. Then I said, "oh, I wonder who we invited to lunch then!" When we looked in the directory she realised it was the wrong number and gave me the right one. When I got home later that day I had a message on the phone, yep, it was a lady from church returning our message of invite on Sunday! She said that she couldn't on Sunday but would love to come over for morning tea on Friday. In a quandary of what to do - mainly because I had no idea who this lady was, I didn't phone her back. Only to have her phone this morning and catch me at home. So without telling her what really happened, I did invite her for morning tea tomorrow! Guess I'll find out which lady she is when she arrives!
When I told Rach she laughed a lot and wanted to share this story with Neal! Of course we don't want this other lady to know it was by total accident that she was phoned!

Well I better sign off. This has been a longer entry than was intended! Hope everyone is well, and blessings to all.


  • At 2:40 AM, Blogger ray said…

    What a funny story of the morning tea. You will have to let us know how that goes. Do take lots of photos of the birthday and what an exciting gift! Those sort of things are priceless. A few years ago mom and I took Sheradia to Lion King (the broadway) I was worried she would be to little but she still talks about it years latter.


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