The Smith's Journey

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Exciting news!!!!!

Well as the title says I have some exciting news to share. I'll start at the beginning and then it will all make sense.

I have been getting some business cards made at the local camera shop. A lady phoned me on Saturday and introduced herself then told me she had noticed my card at the camera shop and asked the staff how to get in contact with me. Obviously they handed on my phone number (which I am fine with). Anyway, she went on to tell me that she is looking to employ a professional proofreader. Her name is Michelle, she asked what my rates were and if I would be available to meet (she asked to meet at my house) to discuss work. So we made a time for Monday 2pm (which is today). Much to say after trying to sound very calm and professional on the phone I hung up and jumped around my room and ran out and hugged the girls and turned in circles etc. The girls did think I was crazy but the excitement was catchy!
So all weekend I was going between being a nervous wreck to being as happy as a dog with a juicy bone! On Sunday I did a bit of tidying up and nail biting. Today I cleaned the whole morning and the house is probably the cleanest it's been for a long while! Terry was great, he helped me where he could and prayed with me before taking off to play golf, we figured that it would be better if he wasn't here. When she arrived we started chatting and exchanged files (my resume and her work examples), well not to drag it out but after some time asking questions and getting to know each other a bit better I asked her if she would like to go and think about sending work my way. She said..."no, I know I want you, I perceive you as a person of good faith and trustworthy."
So I have my first client!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't remember whether it will be 4 - 5 hours a fortnight or month. But it's a start and it is a foot in the door, because she works in the corporate area she has a lot of contacts.
I forgot to say that the company she works for sells the woollen rugs, and she sells them to corporations etc. So I will be proofreading the sales brochures and other information that needs to be distributed. They sell in both New Zealand and Australia and are going international soon.
I am sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I better go, people to phone etc.
Catch you all later.


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