The Smith's Journey

Follow us on our journey through family life. No matter where we live you will be able to keep up on our happenings. Have fun and remember to leave comments.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Classical Sparks

Monday Night Jo and I went to Classical Sparks in the Park. For those in another country it was the 5th February. The Christchurch Symphony Orchestra played beautifully, the brass band was cool with a few dance steps thrown in there. The highlight was Dave Dobbyn. Oh before he came on the Crusaders horses and team came through, I was at the time in a queue for the loo. I was 2nd in line after a 20 minute wait so I wasn't about to go and watch them. When I started waiting in line for the loo, it was dusk. When I went to find my way back to our seat I found it had got quite a bit darker! I found the approximate area of where we were sitting but couldn't see anything. A friend of mine however did find me (not the one I was sitting with). So I txt Jo to say I'm catching up with a friend for a moment. After that moment I went to find our seats. Hmmm. Harder than I thought. Being dark its hard to discern who's who in a crowd of a few thousand! I was standing beside a little girl waving a blue light stick. I asked her to keep waving so I could tell my friend where I was so she could tell me where she was. The darling little girl replied
"You could always go to the lost parents tent"
Anyway I didn't get a reply from Jo so I thanked the girl and her family and went awandering.
A few feet later I saw a family that were sitting in front of us. Turned around and lo and behold...
Our chairs!!
Except no Jo! I sat down and rather worried tried txting her and phoning her. No answer. So I waited...waited...waited. Jo came back. She couldn't wait any further for the loo. And her phone went flat. So we settled back down and enjoyed Dave Dobbyn. Great singer!!
The fireworks at the end were awesome! Looked close enough to touch and looked like we were going through hyperdrive on starwars at times. Fantastic and worth the headache I got later on that night. (Flashing lights don't go well with epilepsy).
Well the night ended and we got home safe and sound. Very tired the next day though. It was a late night by the time we got through traffic.

So that was our evening out.

Terry's Mum is enjoying a computer and the internet now. I'm helping her learn how to work it all and surf the net. I think we're both enjoying it. She's patient with my teaching so that's helpful. So Mum S. welcome to the internet!!


  • At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As you can imagine it was even darker when I tried to find my way back but it was the queue that took the time. I thought I was going to miss Dave Dobbin but he played lots of songs - old and new - mixed in with statements of faith - very inspiring.


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