The Smith's Journey

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas again already!!

Our girls are like all other children at this time of year. Tired, grumpy and restless. We have started a family tradition of putting our christmas tree up on the 1st December. In previous years, I hate to admit, I have allowed the girls to decorate the tree but once they are abed, I would go and "tidy" the tree up. Ok, there's no sugar coating so I better 'fess up. I changed the whole lot of the decorations to how I would like it. My defense to Terry was that "they are to young to know how to decorate it properly". Each time he would just make that sound of "mmhmm".
Well good news everyone! I didn't change a thing this year!! Instead I was busy behind the lense of my camera. I did however add a few dec's up above their reach. Only a few I swear!
The girls had a wonderful time. We had heaps of decorations this year as Mum & Dad left their decorations for me to sell in our garage sale. They surprisingly didn't sell, so taking advantage of the situation I thought 'why not?' Cheers Mum and Dad.
This weekend we are having our 5yr tradition of getting together with Steve, Jo, Beky and Neal, Rach and Abi for a christmas dinner. It's Abigail's first christmas so its very cool having her with us this yr. Of course she loves me to bits and smiles every time!
Our 4 wee baby kittens are starting to open their eyes, very cute. Tiggy has kept trying to take them out of the laundry and hide them somewhere else. So far we have found them in Emily's drawers, Aimee's bed (at night so we had to turn on the light when aimee was asleep), the dress-ups barrel and my wardrobe. If she can't get all 4 there she will often just take one. Then the hunt is on! I have figured out that if I put a kitten in the middle of the hall and shut the laundry door, Tiggy will take the kitten to where she's hidden the others.
Jo, Steve and Beky are of in Wanaka for a holiday, live it up guys, you'll be coming back to christmas mayhem! We are going up to Fielding, Nth Island for a week after New Year. We'll be catching up with the Chisholm's, where we'll be able to totally relax. I'm so looking forward to it.
Well, Merry Christmas to all and safe holidays.
God Bless


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