The Smith's Journey

Follow us on our journey through family life. No matter where we live you will be able to keep up on our happenings. Have fun and remember to leave comments.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Back again!

It's a few days later that I am writing this. I just get so so busy!! The confusing thing is that I have no idea what keeps me busy! I guess it's juggling so many things at once; girls, study, husband (this is not in any order!), garden (been raining for a few days now so don't have to deal with that), housework, hmmm what else, oh catching up with friends (how could I have forgotten that one!), and church. Gosh what a list! No wonder I'm busy!
Any way to finish what I started in the previous entry...
I'll start with the duathlon. The school had a fundraiser duathlon. The kids can either buddy up with one doing the run and the other doing the bike ride. Aimee got buddied up with a girl called Emily - who Aimee calls "Little Emily" so she doesn't get confused with sister Emily - They both did so well. It was rather chaotic with all the year ones. They were also dressed the same and it was rather hard to tell who was who!
The next of my girls was Sarah-Jane who ended up having me as a buddy. I felt so sad for her because all her friends had buddied up with each other. So I offered to do it with her. I laid down the law though - I don't run!! So I did the bike ride. Leading up to the day I was so anxious! I was worried I'd be the only adult riding. And I have a road bike, so I did a practise run a day before so I could know whether I could do it as the course was partly on grass, partly on a road and partly on gravel track. Hence I was rather nervous. After all I was intent on not embarrassing myself! Anyway on the day Sarah-Jane did the first lap of the run and then I took off. I was very pleased to see that I was not the only adult 'buddy'. However I was the only one with a road bike. I did quite well considering I had to stop before crashing into some kids that were bunched up. I have to admit that I felt a bit frustrated with me being rather competitive. I made it back and went to get off the bike but my legs refused to hold me up and had betrayed my unfit body by turning to rubber. I waddled my way to tag SJ using my bike to hold me up. She ran the second lap and I had to meet her at a certain point and then run together to the finish line. I had not recovered! So you can imagine me using SJ to hold me up and look like a drunk running to the finish line. To my complete amazement we came 12th in her particular class!! I will admit that it took me a couple of hours to recover and was able to encourage Emily on her run. I was so proud of all of them! And myself as well. :-)
Well onto the boyfriends! Honestly I now understand why Dad wanted to lock us up until we were adults! We'll start with Emily, she has moved on from liking Ben (He left for Hanmer) and now likes Jayden. I think he likes her as well as she comes home with tales of how Jayden shows off in front of her (Boys!!). Sarah-Jane has a more serious boyfriend. His name is Liam and he can't take his eyes off her!! He even hangs around at playtime even though she is with her girl friends! I've seen (okay, spied) them playing together and he put his arm around her twice!! She's only 7yrs! Hence I have had a "chat" with her highlighting the order to not kiss boys until she's 50yrs old! Somehow I don't think that will be the case! Seriously though I am concerned as Sarah-Jane has something about her that attracts people to her. She is a real beauty. As is the other two but there is just something different with her. Anyway I shall continue to pray and try and let God guide her as He needs to.
Aimee also has a "boyfriend" but in a different way. The boys name is Jackson and they have cottoned onto each other in a seriously cute way. Jackson went to Aussie for a holiday and insisted to His mother that he had to bring back a present for Aimee! Only Aimee - no one else! They also make sure they are next to each other on the mat or lined up. For the duathlon Jackson was upset because He wasn't Aimee's buddy, that was until His mum explained that with the run they could run together, if they were buddies they wouldn't be next to each other. Very cute!
Now the other thing I was going to waffle on about was the girls weekend that Jo and I are having. We leave early (very early due to my misunderstanding of when I had to be at the airport) on Friday 5th Oct and return on Sunday 7th Oct. Jo had to come back to ChCh by 5pm Sunday but we didn't realise that until after I had booked and paid for my tickets. So She leaves Wellington about 4pm and my flight home is not until 9:45pm. Five hours in a strange city all on my own! Can't wait!! I think I'll go to a movie. I'll have to taxi to the airport (I hardly ever get to ride in a taxi!!). We have free accommadation thanks to Jo's Aunty living there. We are going to start off with breakfast at a cafe called La Farre (or something like that) and then we'll maybe do a bit of shopping, Jo's going to show me some cool wee shops that are with character and not the boring Warehouse etc. I'd like to check out what Te Papa's exhibition is. We're going to suss out a movie to do with the film festival and also relax and sleep in! We both are so excited.
I'm still enjoying my correspondence course. I'm just about finished my 6th assignment. The content is getting harder and more intense which of course makes sense. I'm a wee bit behind with having been sick etc but I am going to make up for that as soon as the school holidays are over.
Everyone is well now. Terry and I think I had a seizure while asleep the other night, I woke up with a full on migraine and a very sore tongue. Terry has also come up with bruises that weren't there before. I always get a really intense migraine after a seizure and the times that I've bitten my tongue it was in the same places on both sides. Takes awhile for the tongue to heal, at least I don't eat all the time due to the soreness! It's hard to know though. The doctor tested my medicinal levels and it's smack bang in the middle of the normal range. They want to add another drug, I've had it before and don't like the side effects of increased appetite and bloating. So I've refused to take it. I think I'm getting more use to not driving. I don't feel as angry about it this time. Still frustration but no anger.
Well I'd better go get these girls into bed. It's only Sarah-Jane and Aimee tonight, Em is at Nana's for two nights. Aimee had her turn the other day and SJ has hers next week.
Oh I'm going to scrap the other blog. I don't have the time to do both so don't bother reading the lydieblog. I'm not sure how to delete it so will possibly leave it there.


  • At 3:45 AM, Blogger ray said…

    Girls time away sounds so much fun! Wish I was there to join you. Maybe next time it can be here! That would be a blast. Love you guys.

  • At 4:04 PM, Blogger lydia said…

    Would be absolutely fantastic-I shall start saving as soon as we have got through our top, top priority list (all the boring stuff to do with loo's etc)!


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