The Smith's Journey

Follow us on our journey through family life. No matter where we live you will be able to keep up on our happenings. Have fun and remember to leave comments.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Our five year old

Hi everyone. Been a while since I've updated. We've moved house, had birthdays, study, change of employer (for Terry), and of course Aimee starting school. We both did really well at her school visits. And She has done really well with going to school every day. The first week was a bit hard for Aimee and me. The monday she started both Terry and I were there to drop her off. I cried when we left her in the class room. Terry said that she wasn't even crying - I cried harder!! Even now typing this I feel a heavy feeling. I've been looking forward to her going, I've always struggled being an at home Mum. I love the girls to bits and would lay down my life for them, I didn't think I'd find being a mum hard. Anyway, I am sad to have all three at school now. If it weren't for my study I think I'd go a bit insane. I thought I'd have a lot of time on my hands - what a laugh that turned out to be! I'm busier than ever! I have been able to help Rachael with Abigail, I entertain her while Rach gets some of her OCC stuff done. I'd forgotten how much energy it takes with a wee one. I'm glad to play with her, and glad to hand her back!

I'm going to attempt to attach some photos. Bear with me as its been a long time since doing that. Let me know if the photos don't turn out.
This is Aimee all ready for school. I had wanted to take photos on her first day but she wouldn't let me, I made her promise that I could take them the next day. "Nup, no photos today" she said. So here she is on her third day! She got her Strawberry Shortcake bag for her birthday, the tiger she's holding is for being 'star of the day'. She felt very proud of that. She loves her teacher Mrs Wing. She's great with the kids. She now sits on the mat right up the front and just waves goodbye to me. I always leave a bit sad. I'll get over it I'm sure.

Here is her wonderful, beautiful strawberry cake, thanks to Jo for doing that for us. I am useless at cakes unless they're just plain round! And it took a bit of stress of as we were moving the same weekend. Five candles, it took a bit of blowing for them to go out.

She had a few friends over and we played some party games and I had fun because it was simply done and at Rachaels house. Another thankyou to Rach & Neal for that.

now I forgot to turn the photo around, you'll all have to twist your head 'cause I can't work out how to turn it now.

I thought this photo shows just how much concentration it takes to open pressies!

Oops, I've done it again! Sorry about that. Our little girl, now a big five year old. Hard to imagine
that this girl was just a baby five years ago. It's amazing how much they grow and learn in such a short time. Emily only has another three years at primary school before she moves on to high school!
Both Em and SJ are doing really well at school. Em has a couple of boys that like her! She's still so innocent and naive. We're going to try and keep it that way for a long time yet! SJ loves everything girly. She's a natural sporty person but itsn't interested at all. She says it's to much a boys thing! Em is naturally academic, unfortunately she doesn't like maths (takes after me). We're really happy with the school and how it's dealing with the kids.
Terry's settling into working for Uncle Don. It's a lot earlier start - 7:30am, He is so wonderful because when he gets up at 7am he makes me a milo and brings it in for me, helps me wake up. Aimee comes in to sit in bed with me and wants to drink my milo. Usually I'm too sleepy to deny her. Terry's started making Aimer her own milo!
Well I think I'd better go. Meant to be studying. Aimee's home and watching 'The Secret Garden'. The rain hasn't stopped and hopefully the girls don't get home all muddy.
As we still haven't finished the laundry I have to give all our washing to Mum Smith. Between her and Terry we are toting it back and forth.
Blessings to all. Don't forget to leave a comment so I know people are reading it. Its easy to do, just follow the instructions, when signing your name click in the circle next to the word 'other' and type in your name then publish comment.


  • At 2:18 PM, Blogger lydia said…

    Don't know why the text has gone to one side, it's made the update longer.

  • At 1:44 AM, Blogger ray said…

    Wow! What a cool cake. Way to go to Jo. Your blog has reminded me I will be in your shoes in two months. Right now I am excited as Zephy can't hardly wait but I am sure I will be suprised when I find myself shedding a few tears to. great photos by the way. Love to all.

  • At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's sometime since I did washing every day brings back memories for me the only thing is my clothes line is not big enough for such big washes but I get on with my neighbours very well Praise God. A real pleasure to be able to help.Mum S.


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