The Smith's Journey

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

3 down hopefully no more to go!

Sorry, no photo's yet. I actually keep forgetting to take the camera! I will try really hard to remember to take it tomorrow. I've just asked the girls to remind me. Sarah-Jane and Emily are doing the dishes and SJ is singing 'My favourite things' from Sound of Music. She has a very good voice. There's good singing voices from both sides of the family so the girls couldn't really miss out.
The title for this post is referring to my third Generalised Seizure (grand mal) in the last 6 wks. I was at Rachael's when it happened. We were walking to her place when I had 3 partial seizures (absences), I had just finished telling Rach about them as she made me a coffee when I had the grand mal. Quite funny really as she thought I was demonstrating one. I of course don't remember anything, I came out of my fog to find myself in the loo feeling very sick, then I must have blanked out again because the next time I 'came to' I was on the couch and a couple of ambulance officers were taking my vitals. I'm not sure of the details. I remember Rach taking me to the doctors and having migraine type stuff happening. I think I phoned Terry and he came from work to pick me up, I can't remember very much. When I got home I slept for about 3 hrs. Its very tiring and I find I'm very confused in my mind about a lot of things, things not necessarily to do with the seizure. It lasts for a couple of days.
Terry's taught Emily how to use my phone to get hold of him. I hate the fact that our nine year old has to learn how to look after me if I have a seizure. I hate that she has to have that responsibility. I even have to make sure the bathroom door is unlocked just in case I have a seizure. I have lost confidence in going out without Terry, I haven't seen a seizure but I know what I do during one and I would be so embarrassed to have one in front of people. I know that I shouldn't worry about that sort of thing but I do. Rach said an interesting thing the other day, she said that now that she's seen me have a generalised seizure that my epilepsy is more real to her. I can relate to that in the same way, for the last 8yrs I haven't had a generalised seizure and was starting to feel like it was gone. Guess I got showed the truth to that one.
I'm not sure what the doc will do. I think she'll refer me back to my neurologist and we'll talk about medication.

The move is going fine at present, except the laundry has turned into a mission. We had thought that we just had to replace the tub and back wall, when Terry pulled it all of today we see that the floor is saturated and we'll have to replace quite a bit of the floor and another wall. But God came through for us with regards to a new supertub. Terry was talking to someone at church and was offered a new one for $100. Isn't God good. Hopefully we can afford a new toilet now. I've been busy cleaning the cupboards and oven. Thanks to Daphne, Sue, Margaret (having the girls), and Kevin, we got most of the garage stuff moved and most of the kitchen cupboards clean. I don't think the tenants ever cleaned the oven! I thought I was bad but at least I clean the ovens before we move out of a house.
This will be our 14th move in our 10yrs of married life. I don't know how many times we moved when I was a child. Only 2 of our moves have been into our own homes. And most of the moves have been in Rangiora and Kaiapoi. No, I'm not going to say this will be the last one!
I better go as the girls are brushing their teeth then its bed time for little Aimee. Her third and last school visit is on thursday. I am of two minds with how I feel about her going to school. I look forward to getting on with my study (which is going really well), and being able to get out for some excersise, (hoping to be allowed to ride my bike again soon) and just being able to keep the home a bit tidier-until the girls get home from school-and the garden too.
Better stop waffling now. God bless


  • At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lyds! Hope Aimee has settled into school okay and that you are coping with it all. Just take one day at a time and don't put any expectations on yourself and you will get to where you want to go in one piece! Hope you have a special friend whose shoulder you can use to cry on because sometimes that can be all we need to get us through the next day. I know I am missing all my shoulders! Just one of the down sides to moving country I s'pose!
    Things always happen for a reason. We just don't always know what that reason might be.
    Take care, be strong.

    Love Mel

  • At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lydia Terry asked me about puting in a vege garden that can be a community garden If you have one of those pumpkins you like keep some seed out if it. I will help where I can you have the room and it can save a lot on the budget nothing like getting things from your garden often children will eat what they grow instead of saying I don't like that.Love from Nana S.


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