The Smith's Journey

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

An Answered Prayer

Here is an excellant example of how God works through people of any age, race or religion.

17 May 2007
Rachael phoned me this morning in a panic as she couldn't find her diary to check the times of her appointments. I know the paniced feeling well as this happens to me on a very regular basis. So I prayed with her over the phone, asking the Lord to reveal by either a picture or word that would trigger the memory of where she last put it. We hung up after that so she could continue searching. Meanwhile at home here, Aimee asked me:
"Mum who was that?"
"It was Rachael, she's lost her diary and she needs it to remember what she's doing today." I replied.
With a chuckle and backward glance at me, Aimee said
"Oh mummy its under the bed".
I disregarded what she said as a childs answer for everything that is being looked for as I am always telling them to look under the bed if they've lost something. I was putting my shoes on and could not stop thinking about what Aimee said. I kept dismissing it until finally I phoned Rach with the thought of 'she can do whatever with what Aimee said but at least I'd get some peace'.
On the phone to Rach:
"Rach after I got off the phone Aimee said its under the bed, but I think that's just what she's said because I always told them that."
"I'm just at the bed now" Rach replied, "I can't see it anywhere under there."
"Oh well, I'll let you keep looking" I hung up the phone and continued to get ready for my day.
A couple of minutes later, the phone rings.
"Oh my gosh!! Oh my Gosh!! I'm shaking!!!" Rach was basically talking faster than I've heard her before. "I was flicking the blankets around and reached my hand down under the bed and my hand touched a book and oh my gosh, it was my diary!!!!!!"
My reply "oh my gosh!!! Now I'm shaking!!" Rach then asked me to ask Aimee where Abi's plunket book is. I did ask her but she laughed and said under the pillow! But this time it was just Aimee talking as under her pillow is her favourite hiding place for her 'treasures'.

Isn't God amazing? I look at creation, and the beauty and complex wonders of the world, and I praise God, but I don't tend to expect God to answer prayer so obviously and so innocently through a child-my child. A good reminder to never under estimate God's love and power. And as far as I know Rach still hasn't found the plunket book. I hope this encourages us all to know that God our Father loves us so much that even the littlest things are provided for us. His grace knows no bounds.


  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't under estimate children God does work in children. I have had a few things like that happen to me lately. Children sometimes do hear what we don't think they hear. margaret.


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